​499 Rue Isidore Dagenais, ​Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan, QC J0K 3H0 (514) 253-3340


You need the services of a mechanical contractor in the province of Quebec? Contact the company R NANTEL ET ASSOCIÉS INC.

Entrepreneur mécanique La province du Québec

An experienced and effective professional in the province of Quebec

For over 30 years R NANTEL ET ASSOCIÉS INC. has been working in the highly specialized field of boilers and heating systems for the commercial and industrial sectors in the province of Quebec. Today is the second generation of mechanical contractors that is about to take over and we are really proud of it. Enthusiasm, professionalism and the culture of a work well-done are what drive us. For a boiler inspection, installation or refurbishment, feel free to contact our experts and obtain an excellent service.

« Hire the services of seasoned specialists »

At R NANTEL ET ASSOCIÉS INC., your satisfaction is our ultimate goal

Heating and boiler systems are expensive equipment and are major investments in industries, shops and businesses in the province of Quebec. To optimize their performance and save you money on your fuel bills, your mechanical contractor R NANTEL ET ASSOCIÉS INC. makes every human, technical and material efforts. For your peace of mind, we have a specialized contractor's license, No. 2165-0015, which allows us to carry out any type of installation: natural gas, oil, propane burners, hot water or steam heating system, etc., and to guarantee that everything is up to the required safety standards.

«We do not hold back to please you​​​​​»

Entrepreneur mécanique La province du Québec

The company's strengths:

  • Qualified human resources
  • Know-how and mastery of the trade
  • Responsiveness and mobility

Let's talk about your projects

499 Rue Isidore Dagenais
Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan, QC J0K 3H0
(514) 253-3340